Diponegoro University, November 30, 2020. At the fourth National Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Library and Information Student Association (Telminas HMPII), the Undip delegation team won 1st place in the scientific writing competition entitled “User Guidance Services and Information Literacy Instructions for Digital. Native in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 Based on Mixed Reality with the Principle of E-Pedagogy: A Literature Review “defeating Brawijaya University who won 2nd place and Universitas Indonesia who won 3rd place. This event was held from October 10, 2020, to November 30, 2020, which hosted the University. Bengkulu with the theme “Youth Masterpieces in Building Domestic Literacy”. At Telminas this year there are four types of competitions, namely scientific writing competitions, essay competitions, inspirational poster competitions, and creative video competitions. The delegates from the Diponegoro University Library Science Study Program for the scientific writing competition at this event were Apriana Anggraeni Ayuningtyas, Catur Ari Ani, and Susiana Rahayu, with team supervisor Mr. Yanuar Yoga Prasetyawan, M.Hum. Even though in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic it did not dampen the enthusiasm of students to continue to develop the research climate at Ilpus Undip. Hopefully, this victory can motivate Undip Ilpus students to be able to contribute to bringing the good name of the Diponegoro University Library Science Study Program.
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