
The establishment of the Library Science Bachelor’s Degree study program was initiated in 2001 by Prof. Dr. Karyana Sindunegara (deceased), when the Dean of the Faculty of Letters was Drs. Anhari Basuki, S.U. In 2002, a proposal for the establishment was submitted to the Director General of Higher Education but had not received approval and needed to be revised in several parts. Due to several obstacles, one of which was the chairman of the committee being sick, the committee’s activities were on hiatus. In 2004 the committee conducted a feasibility study to re-establish a library science study program. That same year a proposal was submitted to the Director General of Higher Education, but this proposal also needed to be revised because it had to adapt to a new format.

In 2005 the revised proposal was submitted again in accordance with tKeputusan Kemendiknas Nomor 232/U/2000 and Keputusan Kemendiknas Nomor 45/U/2000. The hard work of the committee consisting of Dra. Sri Ati, M.Si., Drs. Jumino, M.Lib., and Drs. Catur Kepirianto was successful, the proposal for the establishment of a science library was approved by the Director General of Higher Education with surat izin Dikti No. 3025/D.T.2005, dated 15 September 2005.

Based on surat izin Dikti No. 3025/D.T.2005, academic year 2005/2006 The Library Science Study Program accepts new cross-track students. This is based on time considerations which make it impossible to recruit regular program students. Regular student admissions opened in the 2006/2007 academic year through the SPMB route.