Semarang (06/23) He is Heriyanto, PhD – Representative from Diponegoro University from the Bachelor of Library Science Study Program-Faculty of Cultural Sciences participating in the activities of the RDPU Working Committee for Improving Literacy and Library Personnel (PLTP) Commission X DPR RI.

PLTP Commission ) carry out activities that discuss several important points, including 1) Opportunities and challenges for literacy and library staff in Indonesia; 2) University support for increasing literacy; 3) Map of needs and absorption capacity of Library Science Study Program graduates; 4) Input and recommendations for policies to increase literacy and library staff.

“The literacy rate in Indonesia is in the top 10 lowest…, our homework is not to achieve the ranking but to find solutions to increase literacy in Indonesian society. “One thing is that when we talk about literacy it is very complex and there are many components that influence it and one of them is library staff” (Heriyanto).

On his occasion, Heriyanto revealed that literacy is about how a person uses information, influences the way he thinks, and influences how he makes decisions.

Improving literacy in Indonesia, he said that library staff can act as mediators, meaning they have the knowledge to help direct them to reliable sources of information. Library staff are not only technical staff but are also functional and carry out their functions as educators.

See also:

Author: Gani Nur Pramudyo