Jakarta, 27 August 2021 – A webinar with the theme of repackaging information has been held by the PDDI-LIPI Jakarta Library with representatives of the Diponegoro University Library Science study program. The webinar activity lasted for two hours through the Zoom platform and was broadcast live through the PDDI-LIPI Library Youtube channel. Two Undip Library Science students became speakers in the activity by explaining the LIPI Covid-19 research knowledge products that they had created and created.
The webinar activity was guided by Mrs. Dwi Untari from PDDI-LIPI. The speech was delivered by Mrs. Rukiyah as Chair of the S-1 Library Science Study Program and continued by Mrs. Noorika Retno Widuri as Head of the PDDI-LIPI Library Center. Gratitude is conveyed for the implementation of this activity which is also a form of cooperation between the two parties, the PDDI-LIPI Library and the Library Science Study Program.
The first material was delivered by Mr. Tupan who is the main expert librarian from PDDI-LIPI. He conveyed the concept of repackaging information as a form of converting information into new forms and forms. The PDDI-LIPI library has created various forms of information repackaging activities such as industrial trees, simple webs, and business guides. He also conveyed various sources of information that can be used as references in repackaging information, such as through Google Scholar, DOAJ, and journals.

The next material was delivered by Mr. Dwiyanto Wahyu Ari Nugroho who is a young expert librarian from PDDI-LIPI. Material about making a simple web by using Google Site. He started to explain some things about web from the definition, elements, and structure. The features in the platform are explained so that participants can know how to use them. He also explained and demonstrated the use of the Google Site. Starting from how the initial steps to open it and explore the various features that have been provided.

Two students of Library Science Class 2018, namely Aulia Vidia Sasmitaratri and Kholidah Nurul Labibah were also presenters in explaining the results of making LIPI Covid-19 knowledge products. This knowledge product is a form of information repackaging activities containing various research articles on Covid-19 that have been written as a result of research from researchers from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). They explain how to access the knowledge product, every menu, and the articles in it. We can access to knowledge products through http://www.penelitiancovid.19.lipi.go.id

The webinar activity was followed by a discussion session. Various questions regarding the repackaging of information, the use of social media in repackaging information, the advantages and disadvantages of the Google Site, and the process of working on knowledge products were given to the speakers. The webinar participants who were students, educators, and librarians gave positive responses to each material presented. Lecturers of Library Science, namely Mrs. Lydia Christiani also expressed their gratitude for this webinar activity. Through this activity, it is expected to be able to strengthen the relationship between the PDDI-LIPI Library with the Diponegoro University Library Science S-1 Study Program and hold other collaborative activities in the next opportunity.

The following is the link to the recorded webinar for those who have not had the opportunity to attend the webinar activity: https://youtu.be/dW0Si_a-25U