7th August, 2020, Semarang – The Library Science Study Program FIB Undip in collaboration with the Library Science Study Program Student Association (HMPS Library Science) held a #qualitativeseries training with the theme “How to Determine Gap Analysis in Research” on Friday (7/8/2020 ). Present as the sole resource person in the discussion, namely Dr. Heriyanto as a lecturer in Library Science moderated by Apriana Anggraeni Ayuningtyas.

Dr. Heriyanto discussed the importance of gap analysis in research. In addition, step by step is conveyed to find gap analysis, the most important way is to read previous research that is relevant to the topic or area being studied and carry out mapping or identification of the search results of relevant research information. Searching for relevant information from previous research results is very risky, therefore the basic ability that one needs to have is research skills or the ability to search for information.

At the end of the session, the moderator opened a discussion session which was responded enthusiastically by the participants who attended the zoom meeting. At the end of the discussion session, the resource person said that determining this gap is quite important, if this gap is in the background then the statement is already very strong. The moral of the webinar is that this gap is important to do and convey in a research paper or proposal because this is the capital for the emergence of a problem statement.