HMPS Ilmu Perpustakaan — On March 27, 2022, last Sunday, a comparative study between HMPS Ilmu Perpustakaan FIB Undip and HIMAKA FIKOM Unpad was conducted online via Zoom from 09.00 WIB. This comparative study activity was attended by 110 participants who came from the management of HMPS Ilmu Perpustakaan FIB Undip and HIMAKA FIKOM Unpad. With the theme “Creating Harmonization and Relationships to Improve Organizational Quality”, it is hoped that HMPS Ilmu Perpustakaan can establish good cooperation with outside parties to support each other in organizational activities.

Comparative Study is a new work program from the Student Relations Division HMPS Ilmu Perpustakaan FIB Undip with the aim of exchanging information and experiences with related organizations. The concept began with presentation outline of the organization and work program by HMPS Ilmu Perpustakaan FIB Undip with HIMAKA FIKOM Unpad. The event was enthusiastic, especially during the games session.

At the end of the event, the committee provided a breakout room as a place for each field in the two sets to exchange detailed information and further understand how the work program system carried out by these fields was. This event was also documented as a shared moment of service.