Brebes (7/23) Undip KKN Team II Students in 2022/2023 held a socialization of the benefits of literacy as a skill that can become the expertise of children of SDN Bojong 01 in Bojong Village, Jatibarang District, Brebes Regency on 25/07/2023.

Literacy is an individual’s ability and skill in solving problems. This ability is needed to overcome the spread of information that is very rampant in this era.

Low literacy can be a barrier to accessing knowledge, information and other opportunities that can affect personal development and community progress.

This socialization activity was held in the classroom accompanied by displaying power point sharescreen which made it easier for participants to read the explanation delivered.

“There are many benefits obtained by applying literacy skills.” explained Azizah Diah Utami, a student of the Library Science Study Program at FIB Diponegoro University.

Azizah Diah Utami further mentioned the benefits of literacy, which can increase knowledge, form vocabulary, find new excitement, form a stronger brain, and open a new world.

In addition to conducting socialization, Undip Team II KKN students in 2022/2023 collaborated with the school library regarding library management as a follow-up activity to increase reading interest at SDN 01 Bojong.

Thus the review of the “Library Management and Socialization of the Benefits of Literacy for SDN 01 Bojong” program. With this program, it is hoped that students of SDN 01 Bojong can increase their interest in reading through visits to the school library as a window to the world.