Diponegoro University Library Science Study Program held a Guest Lecturer again through the zoom meeting platform, this webinar has the topic “Databases on Digital Library Information Systems” with the speakers Dr. Uky Yudatama, S.Si. as a lecturer in Informatics Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Magelang.
The webinar which was held on (03/11/2021) was moderated by Athanasia Octaviani Puspita Dewi, S.Kom., M.Cs. as a lecturer in Library Science at Diponegoro University. This webinar takes place from 09.30 – 11.00 WIB including material presentation and a QnA session. The participants of the webinar consisted of 3rd and 5th semester students of Diponegoro University Library Science as well as general students.
Dr. Uky explained at the webinar that the library is now entering the era of digitization and has begun to develop a library database. A library database is defined as a collection of several tables such as a table of books, members, borrowing, and returns. Digital library is a library itself but the data storage is both books (writing), pictures, sounds in the form of electronic files, and distributed using electronic protocols through computer networks. The characteristics of digital libraries are using computers to manage library resources, using electronic channels to connect information providers with information users.
The development of a digital library can certainly save space because the documents in the library are stored in digital form, access is easy because users can access information simultaneously, access is not limited by space and time, and costs are relatively cheap. However, not all authors allow their work to be digitized, the author also thinks about the royalties (copyright) that will be received if his work is digitized, besides that there are still many people who are blind to information technology if this digital library is developed in rural areas, there are also few librarians who do not understand about procedures for digitizing library collections.
After material presentation regarding the steps and process of library digitization, the event was continued with a QnA session by several students, and a group photo session was held with all participants as well as ending the series of guest lecturer events that morning.