Semarang (04/23) The Department of Library Science, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University has received good news. The department maintains and meets the requirements for an A Accreditation score from BAN-PT. According to the Decree of the Director of the Executive Board of BAN-PT No.1545/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/S/IV/2023.
The achievement of its accreditation is quite a proud achievement for the Department of Library Science, considering its mission to become a leading research study program at the national level in 2025 in the field of library and information science. This can only be achieved by providing high-quality education that meets standards.
In its accreditation, the Department of Library Science gets a score of 361. With the achievement of its score, the Department is entitled to get an A accreditation score which is valid until May 3, 2028.
![Sertifikat Akreditasi ilpus undip 2023-2028](
Search results for Accreditation of the Department of Library Science on the official website of BAN-PT
The Head of the Department of the Library Science Study, Heriyanto, P.hD, said he was grateful and thanked all the community members who had helped and contributed to this achievement. “May Allah SWT reward you all for your hard work”, is his message regarding this success.
With this achievement, He hoped that it can improve the implementation of the tri dharma in the Department of Library Science so that it is even better. In addition, this achievement can certainly be a trigger for other study programs to continue to improve and maintain the accreditation that has been achieved.
The accreditation certificate of the Department of Library Science above can be downloaded by following link: