Semarang (3/24) On Friday, March 8, 2024, the Library Science study program, at Diponegoro University held another Guest Lecture event with the topic “Navigating the Digital Landscape: Research on the Integration of AI, AR, and VR in Information Institutions and Among Information Professionals”. This event invited a speaker from the University of Indonesia Lecturer, Muhammad Prabu Wibowo, Ph.D.
At the event, Mr. Prabu talked about several important points related to current technological developments, be it AR, VR, and AI. In his explanation, Mr. Prabu explained the social technical aspect of the technology model used to see the development of technology that is happening today, for example in the library field is bibliometric. To analyze developments with this model, Pak Prabu also uses the diffusion aspect as a reference to bring up new innovations amid the onslaught of current technological developments. The diffusion aspect includes innovation, time, social system, and communication. Following up on this, we can also use the ATM method (observe, imitate, modify). Even so, it is necessary to pay attention to several things as well, such as what the user’s needs are.
Apart from that, Mr. Prabu also explained the challenges faced by AR & VR in libraries, such as difficulty in implementation, limited content, and related to the availability of the room. Likewise, the challenges of AI include bias, fairness, and ethical concerns: depending on the data training, AI dependence, and so on. Closing the end of his explanation, Mr. Prabu emphasized that the presence of AR, VR, or AI today is not merely to replace the role of humans in carrying out all their activities. However, as a medium that helps humans in completing their work, for example in the library. The presence of AR, VR, and AI in the library is actually to attract many parties so that the network is more widespread.
Editor: Virtu Ozo Fable Tchaikovsky